The Captain and Crew at work.
We had a great trip up the Delaware Bay today. Less than 1 foot waves and in incoming tide all the way from Cape May, N.J. to Chesapeake City, Md. We left with a group of 6 boats (4 power and 2 sail) we all arrived within about 1 hour of each other, some of us staying, some of us travelling farther. The winds were out of the south, so the sailboats took advantage of the situation. I though I saw a guy waterskiing behind a C & C 36.
Slowly, we are making progress and getting farther south, even though we had to travel 52 miles north today. No change in the leaves this far south, but the evenings cool down after sunset. Funny thing is seeing all the Halloween decorations in the stores and the temperature is still in the 70's.
The bicycles turned out to be a great idea for this trip. We got a couple days ride in while we were stuck in Cape May. Sharon got to ride her bike for the first time in many years.
Tomorrow, if the weather closes in on us like they forecast, a little walk around the town, a little relaxing, and a little more waiting. The snow shovel is still in place.
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