Sharon B

Sharon B

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lucky (girl) update

Everyone at the marina is pitching in with Lucky. She had a couple of visits by Doc. Rock. She is pretty small for a newborn, and still has a little pneumonia in her lungs, but otherwise, she is doing well. She gets fed every 3 or 4 hours, so she should be putting on a little weight in no time.
She spends her waking hours running around the marina store trying to figure out what everything is. She has spent some quality time with Bun, and follows Sharon around like a little puppy.

Sherry and Lucky
Gene and Sharon giving Lucky her meds.       

Lucky sneaking up on Miles
Sharon's off hours are spent relaxing and napping on the bow of the boat with Daisy.
                                                                                                                         Feeding time.
Meanwhile, I'm doing what I do best. Contemplation of today's activities.