The weather controls the cruise
Every Sailor worth his (her) salt knows the statement.
"The weather controls the cruise"
For centuries sailors have said "I don't know when I will arrive, depends on the weather! Well, we have a different outlook on this term.
As long as the days are sunny and warm, we have no problem staying where we are.
On our trip south, there were several days when the days were rainy, windy and just plain miserable and we stayed in port where we were. There were also a few times when the weather was simply beautiful, so we stayed and enjoyed ourselves.
Just because you have a nice day, you don't have to get underway to travel another 50 or 60 miles. Chances are the weather will be nice there also. So why chase the sun? We always caught up with the good weather, or it waited for us to arrive.
On November 22 we pulled into Osprey Marine for a 5 day break. The weather was beautiful and has remained that way for the whole Winter. I know it's been a mild winter throughout the Northeast. but it doesn't hold a candle to breaking out the BBQ grill on Jan. 1st, or just sitting and relaxing in the sun in Feb. Occasionally, we have a chilly or rainy day so we stay in and rest up, besides, we wouldn't be travelling on a day like that anyway. But the sun always breaks out the next day and the temperature starts to rise. Another tough day ahead.
We said if the weather turns really cold (wintry), we would head further south. That never happened, so we stayed. The days are getting warmer and longer. I think we are on our way to Spring. We are looking forward to our trip back North. We hope to see a few things we missed on our trip down here.
Now I understand when people say they make this trip every year and see something new every time.
What is it about lighthouses that always attracts us? Is it the security? The picture below is our home marina back in N.Y. The lighthouse is out on the point of the island.
The picture above and below is Lightkeepers Marina, located north of Myrtle Beach, S.C. It called out to us when we were heading down the ICW. We had plans on continuing through to Osprey Marina but upon seeing the lighthouse, we changed plans and pulled in and spent the night.
Here is a suggestion to anyone owning, considering owning or wanted to own a marina: Build a lighthouse, they will come.
To our friends to the South, you are probably enjoying a sunset like this tonight. To our friends back in New York. Trust me, it's beautiful.
So let me see if I have this straight. If the weather is bad, you stay put. If the weather is nice, you stay put. LOL! :)
Hey, Charleston is a great place. You should check it out. But if you get that far, be sure to get down to Beaufort SC. It's one of our favorite places so far.
We're now at Isle of Hope Marina in Savannah until Monday or so, and then we plan on wandering south some more. Maybe we'll catch you guys on the flip flop.
Thats kinda like the trip has been. Good weather, stay and enjoy it, bad weather, wait it out. I really should buy a watch and calendar book.
Thats kinda like the trip has been. Good weather, stay and enjoy it, bad weather, wait it out. I really should buy a watch and calendar book.
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